About Donna Cont...

Seeds began to germinate, and I started exploring my internal landscape. I began to check into my own personal healing. What began as a physical healing soon unraveled a well of internal emotional "reptiles" stemming from childhood trauma. One by one I began to face my internal reptiles, to heal my inner child. And thus began my process of purification.

Around this time I took up meditation as a way of soothing my physical and emotional states. I was exposed to Reiki, which left me incredulous to the notion of an esoteric energy and the spirit realms that were non-falsifiable, yet felt more real than anything I had experienced. Before long, stirrings began deep within and I heard a voice inside commanding me to move to Toronto. With resistance, I did so.

My career and personal life took a radical turn as I embarked on a 3-year program at the Transpersonal Therapy Centre in Toronto, and another 3-years of study in Somatic Experiencing with the Foundation for Human Enrichment in Western Canada. In these programs, I deepened both personally and professionally in techniques and approaches that were more integrating of the mind/body/soul connection. I was blessed to have amazing helpers and mentors along the way.
